Well, your heart is broken. The relationship is over. And you have been crying your eyes out. Haven’t you suffered enough in isolation? Or even if you have been crying before others, what difference does it make? Your eyes are reddened with tears. Your head (besides your heart) aches all the time. And you are in no mood to watch a movie, enjoy music, taste your favourite delicacies, visit your favourite ice cream parlours, focus on your career and/or studies, etc., etc. Why not put an end to the never ending list. Just eradicate it all together! Restore your broken heart back to normal!
Here are some of the ways that may help you start living (and not just breathing) again! And your life will be going great guns!
- Do not contact your partner ‘Stay away from the partner. The challenge lies in emotionally detaching yourself. It’s not an easy job. But trying to go back or win him/her back in your life will only result in more agony. If you could have saved your relationship, you would have done it. And even if it was none of your faults, it’s more of reason that you should not go back.
- Give yourself time ‘Just sit quietly for some time. Allow yourself to calm down. You have suffered a heart break. Your relationship might have lasted even for many years. In that case, allowing yourself a few days will not help much. Be patient. Even if it takes a few months, try to figure out (with a cool mind) as to what has actually gone wrong. If you realize that you are not responsible for the break up, don’t pay another thought to the complete affair.
- Overcome your ego ‘Overcome your ego rather than letting it overcome you. If you think that you have been responsible for your heart break, walk more than half the distance to communicate to your partner. If he/she still loves, you may restore the relationship back to harmony.
- Make new friends ‘Do not be lonely. Make new friends. Share your thoughts and ideas with them. However, making new friends does not mean that you must find a romantic partner at the earliest. If you rush into a new relationship too soon, you may be inviting a heart break once again.
- Develop a new hobby ‘Developing a new hobby is a good idea that may help you take your mind off your partner. You may attend painting classes, indulging in gardening, or click your camera.
- Look at the bright side of life ‘Your partner was not the only positive attribute of your life. There’s a lot more besides him/her. Why not focus on your career. Do not neglect your health, your work or your friends only because your partner is not around any more. A relationship may end, but life doesn’t end with that. It should not. Otherwise everyone with a broken heart will commit suicide. But people survive and live happily.
Also read:
Beat the Breakup.
How to heal your heartbreak - Read more*.
- 5 Simple ways to get over a Broken Heart fast
- A good life without a Broken Heart
- Broken Heart - getting healthy
- Broken Heart? Living on your own
- Broken Heart? Consequences of loneliness
- Broken Heart - getting over a break-up
- Suffering Broken Heart
- Survive heartache
- Free yourself from the pain