If you are heart broken, you might have been feeling quite lonely. You have been deeply attached to your partner and spending most of your free time with him/her. You have been sharing your ideas, thought, experiences of life, joys, and sorrows with your mate. You might have even visualized your future with him/her. Now that same person does not love any more, or at least says so, you feel terribly lonely. Practically, it comes to living on your own. The sooner, you begin to do so, the better it is.
Moreover, it’s not so hard to live happily without your partner. If you have a strong will power, or you develop it, you will soon forget your heartache and begin to live on your own. But first of all, you must begin to see the logic behind forgetting someone who does not care for you any more. Here are a few tips to do so.
- Your partner has already left you once ‘Even if you succeed in getting your partner back to yourself, he/she may leave you again. Your girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse has already left you once. If you are not to be blamed, why be emotionally weak to the extent to go running after him/her. It only sends the message across to your partner that he/she is free to leave you again and you will come running to pamper his/her ego.
- Do not plan your future thinking of your past all the time ‘Simply bury your past relationship in the past itself. Do not be obsessed with your ex-lover forever. Your future lies ahead of you. Try to be logical! Your aching heart will heal as time goes on.
- Allow Yourself to live ‘If you forget your partner, you will not be shedding tears any more. When love smiles on you again, you will be better able to welcome it. But by being obsessed with a former lover, you are only going to hurt someone who may turn out to be a truthful soul mate.
- Your self esteem is highly essential ‘If you cry your eyes out for someone who does not care for you, it only proves that you have a poor self esteem. It’s like requesting your ex-lover to pity you and come back. Had he/she been a true soul mate, he/she would never have opted for a break-up in the first place. Can anyone live without his/her soul? It would first of all break the heart of the individual who has walked out of your life.
- There are more sensible people to talk to ‘If your partner does not want to have anything to do with you, just forget him/her. If you are not responsible for the end of the relationship, somebody, somewhere would appreciate you for what you are. Learn to respect yourself by living on your own first. The world is not devoid of sensible souls. But sensible people do not fall in love with nonsensical ones! Do you see the point?
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