Laser hair removal is around two decade old technique available in the beauty screening market that can make you look awesome, dynamic and vivacious. Laser hair removal is also common by name of Epilation by laser became available for the commercial use in the mid 1990s. The term laser hair removal is also synonymous with phototricholysis or photoepilation.
A little of history out here! Massachusetts General Hospital in 1998, has been acclaimed as the front runner to publish first ever series of articles on laser hair removal.
Besides, regular beauty treatment therapy, the laser hair removal treatment is quite effective and time tested treatment for pseudofolliculitis barbae, or ingrown hairs or “shaving bumps. The laser hair removal technique also serves as the means for treating pilonidal cysts. It is because the treatment permanently removes ingrown hairs exhibiting reactions which are occurring due to presence of foreign bodies in the skin dermis or epidermis.
Listed below is the mechanism of action of laser hair removal technique:
- The technique takes into account photothermolysis (SPTL) – Laser hair removal technique is used by men and women to get rid of unwanted hair from lip, chin, ear lobe, shoulders, back, underarm, abdomen, buttocks, pubic area, bikini lines, thighs, face, neck, cleavage, chest, arms, legs, hands, and toes.
- You Get Good Looking Skin – The technique is quite efficient to give new look to your body, and face, and also adds to generate feeling of well-being in you. Now, since you have your visible parts hair free, you feel all the more confident and appealing. People will get attracted to you.
- The action of technique implemented for hair removal purposes is safe and secure ‘Baring some of the risk factors, the over all utility of hair removal technique has added to its popularity by all means.
- Adds to the Beauty of the Skin ‘When your facial skin, which was hidden under the skin, gets exposed, a brighter and glowing skin comes into light. The skin helps to generate confidence, besides giving you the confidence to look smart and smartest of all.
- Laser Hair Removal Works for Dark & Coarse Hair – There are new and innovative laser techniques that have come in the market to act directly on the coarse and dark hair, and remove them from the unwanted areas, and give smooth and glowing skin instantly.
- No Cancer Causing Activity Recorded ‘All the laser techniques utilized for hair removal have shown no perceptible carcinogenic reactions inside the skin or superficially. All the reactions are allergenic, and which get away with the passage of time, and mild medication.
As compared to electrolysis, hair removal by laser technique is not applicable on any hair texture and color. Moreover, FDA holds the term “Permanent Hair Removal” only for the hair removal treatment done through electrolysis. Get your identity noticed in the public, with all the innovative and safe hair removal technique. Just be on top, and you’ll feel what you always wanted to feel!
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